Thursday, September 01, 2005

Dave Winer asks a great question about the knock on effects of Katrina.

Update : some comments are good. But if this is any reflection of the current state of the US, it's amazing how quickly the question is taking on a racial dimension. The New Orleanians are poor, black and by implication are being labeled feckless and undeserving who don't help themselves but expect the rest of the US to bail them out.

America is so losing on the moral level. The society is coming apart.

People are angry they aren't receiving help. Now they're fighting for the little aid available. The rescue services are afraid to go in and help!

People should actually be more angry that in the days leading up to the hurricane, the whole system : ie. the media, rescue services etc. weren't pro-actively focused on warning them about what might happen, and advising how to prepare themselves to leave.

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