Friday, August 28, 2009

Can't quite decide if this is a great idea or a horrible one.

There's something awefully spiritually ersatz about sub-contracting your organic gardening to someone else, to do in mass. OTOH, in reality, if it funnels more money and resources into organic horticulture, and creates more empoloyment for people who are actually good at it, why not?


  1. The most interesting part of this post is your one the one hand and then on the other hand part of it. It seems the formula isn't quite right and I can't figure out what's wrong either.

    Anyhow, you're attention to a mosaic economy has gotten my attention.

    It's not very connected; the only thing growing in my garden I've got more than I want is turnips, of no monetary value, but then again they are tasty.

    I'm not connected to local folks online. Somehow the fact that so much of me is exposed online, the really local bit scares me. But my sense about food production, or many of the local forms of production that could be much more efficient with online exchange, is that hyper-local, or neighborhood online sites is part of what might make some of these online experiments really right. But: Who will build the sites? And: If you build them will people come?

    I suspect that anyone responding to a message that I've got some turnips to pull would be people I would like ;-)

    Here's that links to some other "connecting to grow" sites.

  2. I guess one thing you could try is Freecycle.

    I used that today to get rid of a pile of cardboard boxes from our moved to London.

    Could you offer your turnips on Freecycle, I wonder?

    Though it might be frowned upon in your area if you want to sell them.

    I'd be surprised if there isn't a local market for home-grown food site.

  3. I shouldn't have said "no" monetary value, but turnips just aren't a very popular vegetable.
