Wednesday, February 21, 2007

OK, back from Recife, photos soon,

Meanwhile, back to work tomorrow. :-(

And, as part of the very slow, incremental upgrade of my online life, there's a new OPTIMAES blog, the aim of which is to replace the OPTIMAES wiki as the main place to talk about OPTIMAES. (Despite the overall wonderfulness of wiki, blogs seem to be better at holding a conversation.) I'll also do more of my general writing about there. Previously I did it on Tribe, but that now seems to be hidden from non-members.


  1. I'm very happy to see this new blog effort. I didn't find a feed. Is that a deliberate choice?

  2. No feed? Not that I know of.

    I know Blogger defaults to Atom because of some kind of ideological thing they have against RSS, but I assume there must be one.

    Maybe it doesn't get created immediately.

  3. I can usually find the main feed for blogger blogs by sticking "atom.xml" on the end of the URL, e.g.

    Maybe just the template being used doesn't add it in for auto-discovery...

  4. Actually, completely ignore that, I didn't look at the page it loaded properly (doesn't 404, just shows the main page). There's a link to the feed at the bottom of the page.
