Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Electric Venom inspires an interesting question. Why do I blog? Personally, I realize my blog sucks. Most of the time, when I have something to say I prefer to put it in my wiki.


Because the hypertext nature captures the interconnection between my thoughts better, and requires less scene setting. I can throw an idea in a couple of lines, link to it from related ideas, link to other similar things. Done! Blogs are too much work! ;-)

When I do write something significant on my blog it's normally in reaction to a current / news event (often political) that's incensed me. But this doesn't happen on a regular basis. Not frequently enough to hook dedicated readers. So probably even these don't get read. It's a hard question. As a blog reader I value regularly updated, contentful blogs. As a writer, I want to blog, but not frequently enough to justify an audience :-(

One solution might be to join a small blogging goup. A good example of a group I read is SATN. But even though I do have friends (yeah, really!) I don't know if we share a cohesive enough set of interests to make a valid blog. So I guess I'm stuck with posting comments on other people's blogs for the moment, and trying to keep this one better.

On a brighter note ... I think BeatBlog has some value. I'm regularly producing beats, and it's more a problem of access that's stopped me putting them up. Now I think that problem's solved. So read this blog less frequently, and listen to BeatBlog more frequently for the moment. And check the wiki for the real evolving core of my thinking. Still, all that may change now I'm unemployed :-)

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